Tuesday, January 11, 2022

𝐻𝐸𝑅𝐸 𝐢𝑂𝑀𝐸𝑆 𝑆𝐴𝑁𝑇𝐴 πΆπΏπ΄π‘ˆπ‘†!

Here Comes Santa Claus, Here Comes Santa Claus, right down Santa Claus lane...

Here are the 6th level students and their fantastic tiktoks with the song Here Comes Santa Claus! I hope you laugh as much as we did watching them. Enjoy! And Merry Christmas!

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In order to work on the Superlatives our 6th level created the most amazing superlative board games from scratch. You can see them playing with their own games right here. Aren't they the best?